Tagged “Heroku”

Deploy 12-Factor Apps with Capistrano::Buildpack

Last month I wrote a short article describing a method of deploying a 12-factor application application to your own hardware or VPS, outside of Heroku. Today I'm happy to announce a gem named capistrano-buildpack which packages up and formalizes this deployment method.

Deploying a 12-Factor App with Capistrano

Deploying Heroku-style 12 factor applications outside of Heroku has been an issue for lots of people. I've written several different systems that scratch this particular itch, and in this post I'll be describing a version that deploys one particular app using a Heroku-style buildpack, Foreman, and launchd on Mac OS X via Capistrano.

Run Anything on Heroku with Custom Buildpacks

Heroku is a Platform as a Service running on top of Amazon Web Services where you can run web applications written using various frameworks and languages. One of the most distinguishing features of Heroku is the concept of Buildpacks, which are little bits of logic that let you influence Heroku as it builds your application. Buildpacks give you almost unlimited flexibility as to what you can do with Heroku's building blocks.

Hanging out in the #heroku irc channel, I sometimes see some confusion about what buildpacks are and how they work, and this article is my attempt to explain how they work and why they're cool.

Marginalia: A web-based journaling and note taking tool

I'd like to present my new webapp, Marginalia, a web based journaling and note taking tool. Notes are written in Markdown, and there are some simple shortcuts for appending timestamped entries at the end of a note, as well as a few email-based tools for creating and appending to notes. You should check it out. Look below the fold for technical details and the origin story.

Update 2013-10-19: Marginalia is shut down and open source on GitHub

Dokuen 0.0.8, Now with Linux Support

When I released Dokuen last week I had no idea it would get as much press as it did. I'm excited that so many people want to give it a shot. To that end, v0.0.6 v0.0.7 v0.0.8 has rudimentary Ubuntu support, along with revised Mac support. See below for the changes.

Dokuen Update

After writing last blog post I started to build out another app using Dokuen and the pain really got to me. I've addressed the caveats that I listed at the bottom of that article and I think Dokuen is ready for tryouts. I wouldn't put anything mission critical on it, but that's not really what it's for anyway.

Dokuen, a Personal App Platform

Dokuen (Japanese for "solo performance") is an amalgamation of open source components that I mashed together so I could run Heroku-style services on my shiny new Mac mini while retaining the paradigm of git push deployments and environment variables for configuration. Effectively, I wanted to be able to seamlessly deploy 12 factor applications in my local environment.

Update: I've rewritten Dokuen and released it as a gem. See this article for details.

Update 2: I've added linux support.

Concurrency on Heroku Cedar

I started a small product a few weeks ago called FivePad, a simple easy way to organize your apartment search. It's basically the big apartment search spreadsheet that you and me and everyone we know has made at least three times, except FivePad is way smarter.

The initial versions of FivePad did everything in the web request cycle, including sending email and pulling down web pages. The other day I was about to add my third in-cycle process when I threw up my arms in disgust. The time had come to integrate resque, a great little redis based job queueing system. Except if I ran it the way Heroku makes things easy my costs would get a little bit out of control for a project that isn't making much money yet.